Saturday, February 8, 2014

Bioshock Infinite

   Bioshock Infinite, a game that has been under development for over six years, is everything that was promised plus more. When many games are only under development for two years at a time, Call of Duty and Assassin's Creed as a few examples, this game was under for six and boy does it show. From the shining city of Columbia to the well written and well executed story, Bioshock Infinite delivers in all aspects possible. I found that it was hard to stop playing this game, and I kept coming back for more even after the story was finished.

   Bioshock Infinite is without question a beautiful game. At the beginning when you break through the clouds and see the city with your own eyes for the first time, it's visually stunning. Walking through the city of Columbia is a real thrill, the details that are put into every corner of the city leaves me in awe. The character animations are fantastic and the colors stand out and help bring the game to life. 

   Nothing bad can be said about Bioshock Infinite's gameplay, now that being said nothing has changed either. Back in 2006, the first Bioshock was released and the game play was excellent, this time around Irrational Games decided to not change anything. I can say that I was slightly disappointed while playing Bioshock Infinite because no risks were taken to change the gameplay. On another note the Sky-line in this game is just pure fun. The Sky-Line provides the breath taking rush of adrenaline that this game needed to stand out from the other games.

   Now the real star of the game are it's characters. Troy Baker voices Booker Dewitt, a former Pinkerton agent that's has a sketchy past, is given a picture with one simple message "Bring us the girl and wipe away your debit". The girl in that message is the lovable Elizabeth, who has never truly been able to experience the world. She young, innocent, and strong. One feat that Irrational games managed to complete is the ability to show Elizabeth's every thought and emotion. This was a smart move for this allows the players to feel more involved in the story.

   Bioshock Infinite is a fantastic game that was worth the six year wait. This is a game that a milestone for great story telling in video games. I would recommend this game to anyone who loves a good story with a twist at the end that no one will see coming 

+ Graphics 
+ Story 
+ Characters 
- Same Ole' Gameplay  

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