Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Review

    Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception is the reason why I play and love video games. Naughty Dog has yet again created another cinematic roller-coaster that leaves you on the edge of your seat from start to finish and never once does it let up. From the astonishing visuals, smooth gameplay, and the heart wrenching story, Uncharted 3 has managed to climb to the top of my list for best games of all time. Not only do I consider Uncharted 3 to be one of the best games ever made, if not the best, but a huge mile stone for entertainment.

    In Drake's Deception, Naughty Dog improves upon everything that was wrong in Uncharted 2 and makes it damn near perfect. This time around, hand to hand combat is greatly improved and no longer are you button mashing but rather fighting in a fluid fashion making it look more cinematic. Also another improvement is the cover system and gun play, although similar to Uncharted 2, both the gun play and the cover system benefited with new additions such as the ability to throw back grenades. Multiplayer was first introduced to Uncharted 2 that kept me playing for hours on end even when I was finished with the story. Uncharted 3's multiplayer is far more advanced than Uncharted 2. This time, the amount of perks and how they level up with you gives you more of a reason to continue playing and doesn't leave you with a "time wasted" feeling even when you lose.

    Now where Uncharted really shines, is in the visuals. The Uncharted series has always been know to be far ahead of it's time when it comes to visuals, and this is very apparent in Uncharted 3. There's a scene where Drake finds himself in the desert surround by sand. This scene is one of the prettiest examples of graphics that I have ever seen. From Nathan Drake trying to climb up a sand dune and sliding down as the sand below him gives way, to every grain of sand you can see in each of his foot steps.  Scenes like this make you realize the time that Naughty Dog has put into making this a beautiful breath taking experience. There's no argue that Uncharted 3 has the best console graphics to date.

    Something that I personally think is the most important aspect of a good video game is the story, and this time Amy Hennig has outdone herself. The story in Uncharted 3 is much less predicable than that of it's predecessor, which in turn builds the story and has you wondering "what's next?". Like usual, the cast is amazing. Nolan North as Nathan Drake leads the show with his quick witty remarks. But what really makes the story is the relationship between Drake and Sully that you learn about throughout the game. The chemistry that both Nolan North and Richard McGonagle have, makes this to be a believable story and has you caring for both of them. Sully's mentor role is shown not through how they proceed through their adventure but rather through the advice he gives Nathan about Elena Fisher, giving Sully a big brother/father figure.

    Uncharted 3 stands for all that is good in video games. Rarely do games, or even movies, convince me to be worried about the characters, but in Uncharted 3 I was. I felt the pain and fought the fight with Drake as he was walking across the desert. Every fight for survival I felt, and that was possible through the amount of detail that was put into the game's story and game play. Uncharted 3 is an example of not just a good game but a marvelous game many developers should learn from.

+ Great story
+ Great characters
+ Graphics
+ Gameplay
+ Multiplayer

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